Sunday, December 6, 2015

The End

So it is December 6 and this project is due on December 7 which means this project is coming to an end well it basically ended already. My main goal for this project was to learn sign language as much as I can in the time I was given which I have to admit I failed. I started with not knowing any sign at all. I thought it will be fairly easy to learn sign language as long as I memorize it once I learn it. That was not the case because sign language is like any other language you want to learn, it takes time and practice. During this whole process I couldn't keep up with the sign and I didn't practice as much as I should have. However, I did practice enough to know more signs than I did in the beginning when I started in August. I am proud of everything that I learned so far like learning how to sign the alphabet, numbers, colors, and animals. I just wished that I practice more, but it's the end of this journey and there's nothing that I can do.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Meeting With Mentor

So I've been to all of the sign language meeting at school, and that was my main mentor session because I learn a lot from the meeting and I get a lot of help from the meeting. On December 3, I met with my mentor, Ms.Baug, outside of the meeting to show her my progress. So I showed her most of the stuff we learned in the meeting, and some of the stuff I learned on my own. She said that my signing is very good, but she said next time I should sign in front instead of to the side so that the person can really see it unless the sign is suppose to be at a certain spot. Other than that she said my signing is great which I am very happy about.